Por favor si van a usar el traductor de google o el mundo,no contesten porque tambien lo hice yo y salio una ******. ¿A favor o en contra de las descargas de musica en internet? Por un lado,estoy deacuerdo con que los artistas estén en contra de las descargas,sin embargo,ellos ganan mucho dinero con sus...


oie mira está perfecta esta traducción:
Are you for or against music downloads online?
On the one hand, I agree with the artists are against the discharge, however, they make good money with concerts, advertising brands, events, clothing, etc ...
A society much money it costs to buy an original CD, so it is easier to download from the internet.
It is also true that internet downloads bring many viruses to your computer, so beware.
In my opinion, I just bought an original CD when it comes to my favorite singer.
I think it is fair that they are becoming richer and poorer society.
One solution might be to lower the price of CDs, thus buyers spend less money and singers but get less money with CDs, they sell more.

each of the clothing were grimy. Jenny needed to take them to the laundry because of the reality when you consider that they were plenty clothing she ought to get very drained. she had 5 little ones and that they were given grimy even as they performed. even as she went to p.c.. up the lundry they gave it to her in a bag. and that they regarded sparkling, as nicely they'd a great smell the softener had left them. me parece que esta bien, trate de no cambiar mucho de como lo pusiste vos. y... no me quiero agrandr ni nada, pero los que escribieron antes que yo pusieron cualquier cosa!! uno cube que no uso el traductor y le creas que esta bien.. pero no!!! y otro puso como fuente my knowledges of english pero es muy distinto a lo que escribiste vos (significa algo parecido pero no coincide). asi que creeme, no eligas los anteriores!!

Are you for or against music downloads online?
On the one hand, I agree with the artists are against the discharge, however, they make good money with concerts, advertising brands, events, clothing, etc ...
A society much money it costs to buy an original CD, so it is easier to download from the internet.
It is also true that internet downloads bring many viruses to your computer, so beware.
In my opinion, I just bought an original CD when it comes to my favorite singer.
I think it is fair that they are becoming richer and poorer society.
One solution might be to lower the price of CDs, thus buyers spend less money and singers but get less money with CDs, they sell more.


Are you for or against music downloads online?
On the one hand, I agree with the artists are against the discharge, however, they make good money with concerts, advertising brands, events, clothing, etc ...
A society much money it costs to buy an original CD, so it is easier to download from the internet.
It is also true that internet downloads bring many viruses to your computer, so beware.
In my opinion, I just bought an original CD when it comes to my favorite singer.
I think it is fair that they are becoming richer and poorer society.
One solution might be to lower the price of CDs, thus buyers spend less money and singers but get less money with CDs, they sell more.

Hay lo tienes lo hizo con el google traductor y me salio bien sin ningun problema. A lo mejor es que lo pusiste mal o algo nose. jeje :)
Un beso.