¿vocabulario make and do?

necesito que me digan cual frase va con do y cual va con make y que significa la frase completa el que responda todo le doy los puntos de inmediato :)! my homework up your mind the shopping a decision a mess a complaint someone a favour sure that the mousework my bed nothing my best money a...
¿vocabulario make and do?


do my homework: hacer mi tarea
make up your mind: decidirse
do the shopping: hacer la compra
make a decision: tomar una decisión
make a mess: hacer un lío, complicar
make a complaint: hacer/presentar una queja
do a favour: hacer un favor
make sure that:asegurarse de
do the housework: hacer las tareas de casa
make the bed: hacer la cama
do nothing: hacer nada
do my best: hacerlo lo mejor que pueda
make money: hacer dinero
make a speech: hacer un discurso
make a profit: hacer ganancias/obtener beneficios
do exercises: hacer ejercicios
make a noise: hacer ruido
make a phone call: hacer una llamada
make friends with: hacer amigos con
do the washing-up: fregar los platos
make progress: avanzar

me costó lo mio, pero lo consegui terminar jejeje, un saludo!!

Do my homework.
Make up your mind.
Do the shopping.
Make a decision.
Make a mess.
Make a complaint.
Do someone a favour.
Make sure that...
Do the housework (supongo que quieras decir..)
Make my bed.
Do nothing.
Do my best.
Make money.
Make a speech.
Make a profit.
Do exercises.
Make a noise.
Make a phone call.
Make friends with...
Do the washing-up.
Make progress.


Do my homework
Make up your mind
Do the shopping
Make a decision
Make a mess
Make a complaint
Do someone a favour/favor
Make sure that
Do the housework
Make my bed
Do nothing
Do my best
Make money
Make a speech
Make a profit
Do exercises
Make a noise
Make a phone call
Make friends with
Do the washing-up
Make progress

Do my homework
Make up your mind
Do the shopping
Make a decision
Make a mess
Make a complaint
Do someone a favour/favor
Make sure that
Do the housework
Make my bed
Do nothing
Do my best
Make money
Make a speech
Make a profit
Do exercises
Make a noise
Make a phone call
Make friends with
Do the washing-up
Make progress

A piece of cake my friend.

Here you are:

1) DO my homework

2) MAKE up your mind

3) DO the shopping

4) MAKE a decision

5) MAKE a mess

6) MAKE a complaint

7) DO someone a favour

8) MAKE sure that

9) DO the mousework

10) MAKE my bed

11) DO nothing

12) DO my best

13) MAKE money

14) MAKE a speech

15) MAKE a profit

16) DO excercises

17) MAKE a noise

18) MAKE a phone call

19) MAKE friends with

20) DO the washing-up

21) MAKE progress

Have a nice day... it was nice to help you. :)

Creo que la mayoria estan correctas de todas maneras verfica con otras fuentes. To make se usa para producir algun objeto mientras que to do es para cosas que haces todos los dias y no producen un objeto fisico.

make my homework
make up your mind
to do the shopping
make a decision
make a mess
to make a complaint
to do someone a favour
make sure that
to do the mousework
to make my bed
to do nothing
to do my best
to make money
to make a speech
make a profit
to do excercises
make a noise
to make a phone call
to make friends with
to do the washing-up
to make progress